Hello there! 🔆 I'm currently pursuing my PhD at the School of Education, University of Bristol, with a focus on learning sciences, and augmented reality/virtual reality/metaverse supported language learning. My doctoral study is fully supported by the China Scholarship Council - University of Bristol Joint Scholarship.

Before joining Bristol, I earned an MA in Digital Technologies, Communication, and Education from The University of Manchester, UK. In addition to my research interests in TELL, I am also passionate about teacher education. I've actively participated in various research projects in mainland China, contributing to initiatives such as "Exploring the Development of Research Literacy Among Early Career Teachers" at South China Normal University and "Enhancing Digital Literacy for Rural Teachers in the Digital Age" at Beijing Normal University.

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<aside> 📬 ming.chen[at]bristol.ac.uk



06/2024, Presented at MLANG conference, Cardiff

04/2024, Co-chair for the 4th Faculty of Social Sciences and Law PGR Annual Conference, Bristol

03/2024, Became a member of the Research Culture Committee, University of Bristol

02/2024, Joined the Programme Committee for iLRN2024 (10th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network)

01/2024, Became a reviewer for the International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning

01/2024, Joined the PGR Student representative team at the School of Education, University of Bristol

11/2023, Joined Prof. Paul Howard-Jones's research project, “Emotion, Action, and Climate Change”

11/2023, Coordinated the Educational Technology Panel, CCEF (Cambridge China Education Forum)

09/2023, Started my PhD journey in Bristol

09/2023, Joined Prof. Weiyong Hua's research project, “Research Literacy among Early Career Teachers”

06/2023, Granted the China Scholarship Council - University of Bristol Joint Scholarship

01/2023, Admitted to the PhD in Education program at the School of Education, University of Bristol

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